2020年第三届应用数学、建模与仿真国际学术会议 (AMMS 2020)
2020 3rd International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Simulation (AMMS 2020)
3rd AMMS2020 Conference Call for Papers-IOP Publication and EI IndexingEI会议简介:
本次会议所征集的稿件都将由审稿老师进行严格审稿,录用并完成注册的文章将收录在AMMS 2020会议论文集中,并由IOP出版(期刊系列:IOP Journal of Physics),出版完成由出版社统一送检至EI Compendex, CPCI-S (ISTP), Scopus, Inspec & CNKI进行检索。后期会务组可为有需要的作者免费提供检索报告。EI会议英文简介:
2020 3rd International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Simulation (AMMS 2020) will be held in Shanghai, China during September 20-21, 2020 is calling for excellent academic papers theme-related. Sincerely welcome your paper submissions and participations timely.
If you have unpublished papers theme-related in Applied Mathematics, Modeling, Simulation and related aspects, you’re warmly invited to submit it via the submission email mentioned above. Please pay more attention to the submission deadline.
Publication and Indexing: All accepted papers will be published in IOP Journal of Physics (ISSN: 1742-6596) and be submitted to EI Compendex, CPCI-S (ISTP), Scopus, Inspec & CNKI for indexing.
Each paper will be distributed to be peer reviewed by at least 2-3 experts gathered in Technical Program Committee. And all the accepted papers will be included in the AMMS2020 Conference Proceedings.
The proceedings will be submitted by the Press to EI Compendex, CPCI-S (ISTP), Scopus, Inspec & CNKI for indexing. And excellent ones will be selected and recommended to SCI and EI Journal for publication.